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That day I was ENDORSED by USA Today

When you self-publish a book, you hope that people will find it and read it. You hope to make the right connections to keep your readership growing and active. But, you don’t expect to share real estate with traditionally-published authors who make big lists and are able to write full time. 

Today, I woke up to Bound by Spells being featured on USA Today’s Happy Ever After blog. I saw my book in same space as the USA Today logo. And the reviewer said some pretty amazing things. You’ll see when you read it that clearly she contacted me and this didn’t come out of absolute nowhere, but I had no idea which day it would publish or what it would feel like. Let me tell you what, it feels pretty incredible! 

So, take a look, and tell your friends that the fantasy series you’ve been raving about is now endorsed by the book blog of a major US newspaper. So there. ;-) 

Here’s a little teaser, but this doesn’t show everything, so make sure you click the link above!